Product update: Automatically center your story thumbnail

One of the most requested features for our platform has been the ability to center the person in the story thumbnail. Often, the person is not centered in the video while recording, and will therefore not be centered in the story thumbnail. This makes it harder to deliver your message – until now.
Having a person centered in the video is important to getting the authentic feeling that stories provide. Using stories for your website can drastically increase the connection between brands and viewers as the viewers experience it as more natural, honest and not "over-produced". That's why we just updated our platform with a new feature to automatically center your face in the thumbnail to let viewers focus better on the message you are sending.
All new stories uploaded will automatically be centered using face detection so you never have to think about the position of the person in the video again. If you have already uploaded stories you want to center, simply login to your account here and re-publish them.

Want to test the new feature? Sign up for free today.
We also added the option to easily upload a custom thumbnail if you don't have a face we can detect. You can find this just below the preview section by clicking "change cover".
Any feature requests? Feel free to send them to and we'll look into it.